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Gospel is in Exodus Chapter 12

     The Gospel Message:

  • We all are sinners and the result of being a sinner is that it separates us from God.
  • When Jesus died on the cross, He paid for our sin. His Blood is our Substitute Sacrifice.
  • Eternal life is available to EVERYONE but NOT everyone is wise enough to believe God and accept His only begotten Son as their Saviour. 1 John 5:10-12 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. 11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. (KJV)
  • Only the names that are written in the Book of Life go to Heaven, all those NOT written in the Book of Life have a totally opposite destiny. Rev. 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.  (KJV)
  • If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. Rom. 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (KJV) Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (KJV) Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (KJV)

Introduction to Exodus Chapter 12

This Chapter begins by observing, that the month in which the above wonders were done in Egypt, and the following ordinance appointed to the Israelites, would thereafter be reckoned the first month in the year (Ex. 12:1-2). On the tenth day of which a lamb here described was to be taken and kept until the fourteenth, and then slain, and its blood sprinkled on the posts of the houses of the Israelites (Ex.12:3-7).The manner of dressing and eating it is shown (Ex.12:8-11) and is the reason of the foundation of this ordinance being given (Ex.12:12-14), and an order to eat unleavened bread during seven days, in which the feast was to be kept (Ex.12:15-20), and directions are also given for the immediate observance of it, and especially about the sprinkling of the blood of the lamb, and the use of the blood (Ex.12:21-23). This ordinance, which they were to instruct their children in, was to be kept by them in following ages forever (Ex.12:24-27). About the middle of the night it was first observed, ALL the firstborn in Egypt were slain, which made the Egyptians decide that the Israelites were to depart in haste (Ex.12:28-33) and which they did with their unleavened dough, and with great riches they had borrowed of the Egyptians (Ex.12:34-36). The number of the children of Israel at the time of their departure, the mixed multitude and cattle that went with them, their baking their unleavened cakes, the time of their sojourning in Egypt, and of their coming out of it that night, which made it a remarkable one, are all particularly taken notice of (Ex.12:37-42). Laws and rules are given concerning the persons that should partake of the Passover (Ex.12:43-49) and the Chapter is concluded with observing that it was kept according to the command of God, and that it was on the same day it was first instituted and kept that Israel were brought out of Egypt (Ex.12:50,51).

This Chapter gives an account of one of the most memorable ordinances, and one of the most memorable providences, of all that are recorded in the Old Testament. Not one of all the ordinances of the Jewish church was more well-known than that of the Passover, nor is any one more frequently mentioned in the New Testament; and we have here an account of the organization of it.
The ordinance consisted of three parts:
#1. The killing and eating of the paschal lamb (12:1-6, 8-11.
#2. The sprinkling of the blood upon the door-posts, spoken of as a distinct thing (Heb. 11:28), and odd to this first Passover (12:7), with the reason for it (12:13).
#3. The feast of unleavened bread for seven days following; this points to what was to be done afterwards, in the compliance of this ordinance (12:14-20).
This is communicated to the people, and they are instructed in the observance:
#1. Of this first Passover (12:21-23).
#2. Of the later Passovers (12:24-27). And the Israelites' obedience to these orders, ver. 28.
Not one of all the foresights of God concerning the Jewish church was more illustrious, or is more frequently mentioned, than the deliverance of the children of Israel out of Egypt.
#1. All the firstborn of the Egyptians were slain (12:29-30).
#2. Orders are given immediately for the Jews’ ejection (12:31-33).
#3. They begin their march. (a.) Loaded with their own effects (12:34). (b.) Enriched with the spoils of Egypt (12: 35-36). (c.) Attended with a mixed multitude (12:37-38). (d.) Put on shifts for their food supply (12:39), neither had they prepared for themselves any food; they had their flocks and their herds, out of which they could take for their use, and they had the unleavened and unbaked dough; but they had nothing ready dressed; what remained of the Passover lamb they were told to burn; they could not hunt or fish.
#4. The event is dated (12:40-42).
#5. A summary of the institution of the Passover: (1.) Of this memorable ordinance, with some additions (12:43-49). (2.) Of this memorable providence (12:50-51).

The Feast of the Passover was instituted as a memorial to Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and their adoption as Jehovah’s nation. The Passover is a festival that laid the foundation of the nation Israel’s birth into a new relationship with God.
The Passover was the start of Israel’s religious year. Chapter 12 is a high point in the Book of Exodus. Here we find the foundation of the Feast of the Passover. It is a picture of that which Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 5:7, “… For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.” Christ Jesus IS in this Chapter and so is His Gospel!

The Gospel IS in Exodus Chapter 12

Is the Gospel in the Old Testament?

YES! It certainly is!

The GOSPEL is in the Old Testament

The Bible Helps us Better Understand GOD

Gospel Briefs in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers

Gospel Briefs in Deuteronomy and Joshua

Gospel Briefs in Judges and Ruth

Gospel Briefs in 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings

Gospel Briefs in 1&2 Chronicles and Ezra

Gospel Briefs in Nehemiah and Esther

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Gospel Briefs in Isaiah Chapters 1-33

Gospel Briefs in Isaiah Chapters 34-66

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Gospel Briefs in Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah and Jonah

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Gospel Briefs in Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi

The GOSPEL IS in the OLD Testament

The Gospel IS in Exodus Chapter 12

The Gospel IS in Isaiah Chapter 53

The Gospel IS in Psalm 90

The Gospel For the Jews IS in the Old Testament

The Gospel IS in Many Places in OT, Many rolls of JESUS!

The Gospel, Special Comments to OT Books

The Gospel, WHAT Does GOD want From YOU?

The Gospel, Which Is the Truth of the Gospel?

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